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There is a unique power in the interaction between the world and our perception. When we experience our surroundings and engage with objects, our deepest self connects with the things around us. This connection evokes associations deeply rooted in our subconscious. Through drawing, I use my imagination to explore relationships between the visible and the intangible. My inspiration also stems from mythological themes, which, despite the passing centuries, remain relevant to the modern human psyche. Through a visual exploration, I aim to reveal these hidden stories and create a new world where symbolic language takes center stage.
My body of work includes pieces crafted from various materials, such as charcoal, pencil, ink, oil paint, wood, and ceramics. I create both two- and three-dimensional art, generating an interplay between these forms. By combining different media, a dialogue unfolds in which both dimensions enrich and strengthen one another. My work is characterized by meticulous and detailed compositions, cloaked in a mystical atmosphere that invites the viewer to look beyond the surface.
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